Estados Unidos

- AstraZeneca ( - Estados Unidos

  Fluxo Contínuo - Pós Doutorado

  Linhas disponíveis.

  • Instruções
  • Antes de submeter a proposta verifique se todos os documentos estão em Inglês, inclusive o Currículo Lattes (o usuário deverá optar pela publicação em Inglês na Plataforma Lattes). Na Carta de Apresentação, em inglês, deverá ser informada a linha ou linhas de interesse.
  • Formulário de Inscrição

Para informações sobre a realização de Pós-Doutorado nas instalações da AstraZeneca nos EUA clique aqui.

Número de vagas totais oferecidas para os Estados Unidos e Reino Unido: 30

Duvidas a respeito das linhas de pesquisa, entre em contato pelo telefone 11 3737 4222 ou por email currí

Confira as linhas de pesquisa disponíveis e clique na linha para acessar a descrição completa:

Biopharmaceutical Development
Linha 4: #SWB04BPD - Develop a novel mammalian cell surface display platform to enable multidimensional selection for affinity and expression in the final manufacturing host cell line during antibody discovery and optimization.

Infectious Disease and Vaccines
Linha 6: #SWB06ID - Lead a research program that will focus upon novel approaches to conditionally regulate viral replication.

Linha 7: #SWB07ID - Lead an independent research project focused on understanding antibody effector function’s role in the clearance of influenza disease.

Respiratory, Inflammation and Autoimmune Diseases
Linha 10: #SWB10RIA - Lead an independent research project focused on understanding the role of epithelial/lymphocyte cross-talk on tertiary follicle formation involved in the pathogenesis of Sjögren’s syndrome.

Linha 13: #SWB13RIA - Lead an independent research project discovering novel mechanisms regarding
the contributions of eosinopils to lung pathology in asthma and in particular to acute

Antibody Discovery and Protein Engineering
Linha 14: #SWB14RIA - Lead an independent research project focused on investigating the role of gamma delta T cells in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Respiratory, Inflammation and Autoimmune Diseases
Linha 15: #SWB15RIA - Lead an independent research project to investigate the impact of immune complexes on platelets and microparticles in the context of autoimmune disease.

Antibody Discovery and Protein Engineering

Linha 18: #SWB18ADPE lead an independent research project focused on tumor drug targeting.

Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases

Linha 20: #SWB20CVMD to lead an independent research project on characterizing the role of BMP signaling system in adipose tissue biology.

Translational Science

Linha 24: #SWB24TS lead an investigational research project using advanced digital image analysis to profile the tumor immune microenvironment morphologically and explore relationships between the structural makeup of tumors and the key molecular, cellular and subcellular constituents attributed to the immune response.

Linha 25: #SWB25TS to lead an independent research project investigating the role of Staphylococcus aureus colonization and infection in the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis.

Respiratory, Inflammation and Autoimmune Diseases

Linha 26:#SWB26RIA lead an independent research project focused on understanding the homeostasis and regulation of T follicular helper (TFH) cells in the context of autoimmunity.

Linha 27: #SWB27RIA lead an independent research project focused on understanding the role of innate lymphoid cells in the immune-pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases particularly Sjögren’s Syndrome.

Linha 28: #SWB28RIA study the roles of the complement system in the regulation of autophagy in diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Linha 29: #SWB29RIA background in lymphocyte biology and autoimmune diseases to investigate the role of T cells in autoimmune disease.

Linha 30: #SWB30RIA lead an independent research project to investigate the role of microglia in neurodegeneration.


- National Institutes of Health (NIH) - Estados Unidos

  Fluxo contínuo - Pós Doutorado no Exterior


  1. Texto com orientações aos candidatos

  2. Formulário de inscrição - Pós Doutorado no Exterior - PDE-NIH - Biociências (CsF)

  3. Formulário de inscrição - Pós Doutorado no Exterior - PDE-NIH - Ciências da Saúde (CsF)

 Inscrições: Vide calendário abaixo. 



Cronograma 1

Cronograma 2

Cronograma 3


 De 01 de outubro de 2013
 a 20 de dezembro de 2013

 Até 22 de abril de 2014

 Até 22 de agosto de 2014





Previsão de Resultados

 Até 15 de abril de 2014

 Até 15 de agosto de 2014

 Até 28 de novembro de 2014

Início da vigência

 jun/jul/ago/set de 2014

 out/nov/dez de 2014 e    janeiro de 2015

 fev/mar/abr/mai/jun de 2015